Eat To Perform Blog

Tips and Tricks on staying weight stable when you aren't dieting (ETP podcast and transcript)

Here is the link to the Lifetime Power Hour podcast we do with our Lifetime clients.

00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.000 All right, let's get rolling. 

00:00:03.000 --> 00:00:26.000 This Paul Nobles from Eat to Perform and I am here with the superheroes, Becky Avara and Carolyn Mele. Becky is our lead coach and Carolyn is one of the main, she's kind of one of Becky's right hand people that help with the adjustment team. 00:00:26.000 --> 00:00:32.000 And we talked about that in the last podcast so I won’t bring that up but the adjustment team, 

00:00:32.000 --> 00:00:48.000 If you're not familiar with Eat to Perform, you get two reviews a week, and one is from your personal coach and one is from the adjustments. And so if anybody has a question about that or wants to know why we did it that way go listen to the last podcast.

00:00:51.000 --> 00:00:55.000 So today we're going to talk about 

00:00:55.000 --> 00:01:13.000 why you need to stay in performance longer, and some of the benefits of that, but also how to do it, because you know obviously weight can creep up as you go. 

00:01:13.000 --> 00:01:22.000 And, yeah, one of the things I'm not sure that I really said before, on the podcast I know I mentioned it on a post. 

00:01:22.000 --> 00:01:35.000 But your body wants to grow as a reaction, to keep you alive right so this idea that fat loss is easier as you get older.

 00:01:35.000 --> 00:01:44.000 And there's a lot of factors that go in right; hormones aren't working the way they would have in your 20s. So that's a net negative. 

00:01:44.000 --> 00:02:01.000 There's just a lot of factors that go into it but at the end of the day, your body actually doesn't want to be smaller, your body wants to, you know, unless you're grossly over feeding fat loss is going to be difficult and so what we're trying to do is 00:02:01.000 --> 00:02:24.000 push calories to a point where we can get a certain amount of progress, but let me back up, because I am forgetting one special thing. This is the group that we do, once a week, that are our lifetime clients, and so many of these clients actually just signed 

00:02:24.000 --> 00:02:29.000 up for lifetime this week, so welcome everyone. 

00:02:29.000 --> 00:02:54.000 But the, the whole idea of why it's so difficult as an example to, you know, lose that as you go is because, for one, your body actually doesn't want to give up, you know, fat stores right the, you know, it really doesn't want to give up fat stores, at 00:02:54.000 --> 00:03:12.000 any point in your life, unless you're grossly over feeding. If you're just slightly overweight., that's where things start to really get difficult than what you start to see is that even as calories lower, things get a little bit more difficult but 

00:03:12.000 --> 00:03:27.000 it's interesting because a lot of times people focus just on the scale. And then, you know, especially if you're really lean, you will see a significant amount of recomp during fat loss. 

00:03:27.000 --> 00:03:45.000 Even with no weight loss. Right. And I'm talking about. I'm talking about for these clients, some of whom have been with us, eight to nine years is just, you know, you're not grossly overfeeding typically, Right.

 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:51.000 You're going to be eating, you know, in, you know more. 00:03:51.000 --> 00:03:56.000 It was interesting, there was a post that someone made. 00:03:56.000 --> 00:04:03.000 And they talked about how you know the scale has been really stagnant. 

00:04:03.000 --> 00:04:18.000 And one of the things that kind of needs to be factored in that often isn't factored in is the weight that those people start off at. 

00:04:18.000 --> 00:04:32.000 Right. and so, you know, people discount water weight, but if you discount water weight you're sort of discounting the value of, you know, kind of cleaning things up as you go. 

00:04:32.000 --> 00:04:48.000 And then of course as the tears come down, then we should see some movement. But if you're really lean and I'm trying to think of a couple good examples; Stephanie, you know that the coach within Eat to Perform. 

00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:50.000 I mean it. 

00:04:50.000 --> 00:04:54.000 When we did fat loss, I think it was about a year and a half ago. 00:04:54.000 --> 00:05:01.000 And she must have started that right at 150 and landed at 137. 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:05.000 We really didn't see any significant movement. 

00:05:05.000 --> 00:05:24.000 Until you know really deep into fat loss too, and it definitely got much more difficult. Right. And so, which is all a long way to say that if you panic. 

00:05:24.000 --> 00:05:30.000 And you're in PR right now, and you don't make it all the way to January.

 00:05:30.000 --> 00:05:45.000 You're just making things more and more difficult. Right, so we, what we want to do is kind of walk you through some of the strategies, and even some of the tips and tricks because I'm not sure that everybody knows what is available to them and 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:53.000 I definitely want all of you to know what is available. I am seeing there are a fair amount of questions. 

00:05:53.000 --> 00:05:56.000 So I'm going to try and get through this relatively quickly. 00:05:56.000 --> 00:06:19.000 But the goal of this is to get you up to January, with a good amount of calories so that we can see significant movement down once you're moved back to fat loss right and so you know for some people, there's a lot of weight loss involved here. 00:06:19.000 --> 00:06:29.000 I think one of the worst things you can do, you know, let's say that you're a 300 pound man, and you lost 60 pounds in the first cycle. 

00:06:29.000 --> 00:06:41.000 And you really super excited to get going. One of the worst things you can do is run a fat loss cycle over the holiday so we don't typically advise that for most people. 

00:06:41.000 --> 00:06:42.000 Right. 

00:06:42.000 --> 00:06:45.000 And 

00:06:45.000 --> 00:07:00.000 we will get people that really push the issue, and you know I mean at the end of the day, you're the one driving the bus so you know if it's something that it's making your life more complicated. 

00:07:00.000 --> 00:07:12.000 We will go ahead and do it but for the most part we try to talk you out of it because even the people that are like I think I'm ready I think I'm ready I think I'm ready, I can get through the holidays. 

00:07:12.000 --> 00:07:29.000 All the sudden man Thanksgiving hits, and boom, it's over, you know, and then all of a sudden we kind of wasted a lot of runway that we built. Right. And so, you know, when you think of, you know, here in the US, in Canada is really not even that big 00:07:29.000 --> 00:07:31.000 of an issue. 

00:07:31.000 --> 00:07:44.000 But here in the US. I think of the holidays, as the weeks from Thanksgiving, all the way to Christmas and Hanukkah and all the other third celebratory seasons that happened like that. 

00:07:44.000 --> 00:07:59.000 And so we're really only talking about four to five weeks, right but it does make things difficult if, as an example, you start fat loss in October, right. 

00:07:59.000 --> 00:08:21.000 So one of the things that we need to talk about with October, so here's a good, here's a good example. So you start October 1, and you make it to mid November, the best thing you could do at that point is to split it up and just wait the full, you know 

00:08:21.000 --> 00:08:38.000 holiday season, and then do fat loss two after that so that's an easy thing. We'll be talking a lot about that, at that point, coaches definitely know to kind of coach you in that way right so you all you're really doing is just extending your AP, so that you 

00:08:38.000 --> 00:08:45.000 can get to a point where you're a little bit more comfortable so that's, that's one thing 

00:08:45.000 --> 00:08:53.000 that everybody should be doing if they did start fat loss, you know, late September. 

00:08:53.000 --> 00:09:03.000 In October, the one thing I would highly suggest you avoid between now and January 1 is a mini cut.

00:09:03.000 --> 00:09:12.000 And the reason why you want to avoid a mini cut is because it's not going to do what you think it's going to do, and it's going to crush your runway. Right. 00:09:12.000 --> 00:09:29.000 And so I think by, you know, if you're a lifer you probably know what I mean by runway but what I mean is the calories that you build up so that we can actually get, you know, some, some downward trend, Stephanie made the post, because it's, it's interesting, 

00:09:29.000 --> 00:09:44.000 I've talked about this many times that for our leaner people, so we did the fat loss cycle. Right. She went from 150 to 137. 

00:09:44.000 --> 00:09:50.000 And she literally just put, put a post up where she's 152. 00:09:50.000 --> 00:10:00.000 Now, you go Oh, what a horrible thing, you know she, you know I lost all that weight, and then just gained it all back. 

00:10:00.000 --> 00:10:14.000 Well, that's how you build muscle right and so if you're not, if you're not, you know, pushing weight gain a little bit and Stephanie knows this as an Eat to Perform coach so she has less problem with it but we all have a little bit of problem with weight gain 

00:10:14.000 --> 00:10:27.000 right because, you know, at the end of the day, no one really wants to be dieting all that often. But when you look at her back and arms and, you know, everything has a lot more muscle. 

00:10:27.000 --> 00:10:43.000 Now she hasn't gone super crazy with the, you know, body fat testing and things of this nature. So, we don't know true specifics in that regard. But when you look at her. 

00:10:43.000 --> 00:10:52.000 You know the difference between which way she looked. That's the interesting thing to write, is that we see the before and after pictures, and I mean I have a client right now. 

00:10:52.000 --> 00:10:55.000 Who's low was at 142. 

00:10:55.000 --> 00:10:57.000 Or,

00:10:57.000 --> 00:11:19.000 I think it was 132 and got to 149 if you saw the two pictures you wouldn't think there was any difference at all. You know, so a lot of times, as we kind of fill up those muscles and stuff people do look leaner, But, you know, when you're lean. 

00:11:19.000 --> 00:11:29.000 You know, it's got it kind of depends, I'll give you two examples so there's the Stephanie example who really wanted to push calories who really wanted to build muscle. 

00:11:29.000 --> 00:11:42.000 So she was gonna, she was going to always go back to where her weight was and possibly a little bit more she knew that we had talked about it; the whole goal was to build muscle along the way. 

00:11:42.000 --> 00:11:49.000 Then there was another client that I worked with that wanted to go a little bit slower. 

00:11:49.000 --> 00:12:02.000 And so, you know, you just have to communicate these things with your coach, like in the case of Stephanie I knew that she ultimately wanted to go back to fat loss around January 1. 

00:12:02.000 --> 00:12:17.000 And so we really wanted to get to a significant surplus, so that, you know, when we cut the next time we would be looking at significant progress. 

00:12:17.000 --> 00:12:27.000 And so, just in terms of muscle building right, because, you know, there's this narrative in the dieting community. 

00:12:27.000 --> 00:12:43.000 And I would say the smart dieting community, not necessarily like your weight watchers or something like that, but in the people that are working with registered dietitians that are sports nutritionists and things of this nature. 

00:12:43.000 --> 00:12:52.000 You know, it's just a different world. Right. And one of the things that constantly gets brought up is that you can build muscle in a deficit. 

00:12:52.000 --> 00:13:12.000 And it's true, you certainly can. But it's not really something that happens, you have to be a little bit of a surplus and so when we look at the rhythm of the days of how we do Eat to Perform, we are trying to get recomp, we are trying to build muscle in that process 

00:13:12.000 --> 00:13:24.000 But it's not optimal right optimal is where you're actually gaining a little bit of weight and and building a little bit of muscle. That's not the way most people would like to do it. 

00:13:24.000 --> 00:13:35.000 And so your coach can kind of vary thing so like in the case of Stephanie. We knew we wanted to get a little bit more aggressive with calories. In the case of someone else, you know, if you just explained to your coach. 

00:13:35.000 --> 00:13:41.000 Hey look, I don't want to be doing these fat loss cycles every six months, you know, or every year.

00:13:41.000 --> 00:13:54.000 You know I think for Stephanie, you know we're coming up on two years for, you know, what would have been her lowest last time, so that's reasonable. 

00:13:54.000 --> 00:13:55.000 Right. 

00:13:55.000 --> 00:14:11.000 The People ask me all the time like how long should I stay in PR, the answer is, as long as possible. Right, as long as you can tolerate, you know, for me, you know, I've mentioned it a number of times that I'm going on my fourth year I did have 00:14:11.000 --> 00:14:32.000 a slight mini cup, about four weeks in those four years. But, you know, have I gained weight. Yeah, you know, am I comfortable with that weight. Yeah, you know at the end of the day, right, we're all kind of doing this. 

00:14:32.000 --> 00:14:45.000 You know when I go to the doctor I blow him away with all my blood work and things of this nature, the only thing that really is only slightly above his blood pressure. 

00:14:45.000 --> 00:14:48.000 And so it's been interesting. 

00:14:48.000 --> 00:14:59.000 Being here in California, because I almost want to get my blood pressure tested because you know there's just no way it's not down; ,y sleep is amazing here, I’m much more relaxed here.

:14:59.000 --> 00:15:04.000 And so it'll be interesting I'm seeing, you know, it's, it. 

00:15:04.000 --> 00:15:17.000 I deal with probably a little bit of seasonal affective disorder just like virtually everyone in the really cold areas. For people that don't know I live in Minnesota, most of the time. 

00:15:17.000 --> 00:15:30.000 And so, we may end up actually coming back here in January, February, for that reason so just kind of an interesting thought process in that regard. 00:15:30.000 --> 00:15:41.000 In terms of tips and tricks, you know, so anyway, I'm going to finish the last point. So, if you are wanting to push muscle gain. You have to push calories. 00:15:41.000 --> 00:15:44.000 Right. And you have to push calories for a long time. 00:15:44.000 --> 00:15:51.000 four to five months. Not that long. In relation to what is actually needed. 

00:15:51.000 --> 00:16:06.000 So you're going to be dealing with level of discomfort, a lot of the time because, you know, even as Mr. Eat to Perform. If I see that weight go up, you know, it's not comfortable, you know, does it make me go yay weights up. 

00:16:06.000 --> 00:16:08.000 Right. 

00:16:08.000 --> 00:16:20.000 But I do know that that's part of the process and I do know for the most part that you know if I just get back to the plan that I'm typically on. Then you know it'll wash itself out. 

00:16:20.000 --> 00:16:25.000 So it's not that big of a deal. I think that my weight right now, 

00:16:25.000 --> 00:16:29.000 Well I've been at this weight since the mini cut. 

00:16:29.000 --> 00:16:34.000 And so I've been able to maintain that that way, I think. 00:16:34.000 --> 00:16:51.000 Right below 200. I think the lowest I got was 195. And so, I'm comfortable with a floor at about 195 and a ceiling at about two five right at 205, that's when I'll start to use some tips and tricks. 

00:16:51.000 --> 00:17:11.000 So let's talk about what some of those tips and tricks are, but let's rule out a mini cut just for this purpose, right, because a mini cut is really supposed to be used when you went through the summer. 

00:17:11.000 --> 00:17:17.000 And just things got off the rails for three months, right, and you're. 

00:17:17.000 --> 00:17:27.000 Let's say 8 to 10 pounds higher, and you want to get down about three to five pounds to where it's like your comfort level. That's what a mini cut is used for. 

00:17:27.000 --> 00:17:31.000 I would say sometimes around. 

00:17:31.000 --> 00:17:39.000 Well the holidays would be a good example right so if normally keep things pretty tight, and then the holidays. 

00:17:39.000 --> 00:17:48.000 You let things loosen up a little bit too much and you want to do a mini cut to kind of get back to normal but not a full fat loss cycle. 

00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:55.000 That's a good time to do that summer, you know, is one of these things that you can get away from people. 

00:17:55.000 --> 00:17:59.000 So that's something that you can look at. 

00:17:59.000 --> 00:18:10.000 Probably one of the biggest tools that that I use or recommend is to 

00:18:10.000 --> 00:18:32.000 use some level of time management, or intermittent fasting for your low days, and what we do at that point is we can pull things down. The problem is with any kind of intermittent fasting or pulling things down. 

00:18:32.000 --> 00:18:47.000 The big thing that you have to know going in, is that it's not going to cause you drastic weight loss, right, it's just not, it's just not the calories just don't add up. 

00:18:47.000 --> 00:18:56.000 You know, so if you're up 10 pounds and you want to use a tip and trick, you know, to try and get those 10 pounds back that's just not going to work.

00:18:56.000 --> 00:19:14.000 You know, so you have to know that going in. I mean, you know, people talk like well I only have 10 pounds lose 10 pounds a lot of weight to lose, especially if you're relatively lean, you know, I mean, 10 pounds if you're, you know, if you've been eating. 00:19:14.000 --> 00:19:30.000 You know, really out the box for about a year. You know without tracking and things of this nature if you're up 10 pounds one now that's probably easy to get. 00:19:30.000 --> 00:19:45.000 lose 10 pounds. If you're lean person losing 10 pounds might take you three months, and then you might still struggle to do that. Right, so you gotta keep that in mind and keep how tightly you have the reins on. 

00:19:45.000 --> 00:19:58.000 So what we'll do is typically make an adjustment to that low day where we’ll lower the calories, and then you can have a time restricted. 

00:19:58.000 --> 00:20:07.000 You know, eating model to us right and so I'll walk through a little bit of what you can do with that you a lot of people do. 

00:20:07.000 --> 00:20:15.000 Just breakfast. They'll skip breakfast, which is helpful. Actually my wife and I are using that. 

00:20:15.000 --> 00:20:18.000 Now, here in Ojai. 

00:20:18.000 --> 00:20:31.000 Just because we know that you know we don't control the calories that a lot of the places so usually for lunch we have a salad with either chicken or, beef in the salad. 

00:20:31.000 --> 00:20:34.000 And so that's the same thing that we do at home. 

00:20:34.000 --> 00:20:46.000 But in the evenings, we can't really control the calories. And so that's why we use time restricted eating for that or intermittent fasting, which, you know, if you're skipping breakfast. 

00:20:46.000 --> 00:21:01.000 I just, I really struggle, having skipping breakfast called time restricted eating or intermittent fasting because honestly I just don't think it's that huge of a tool. 

00:21:01.000 --> 00:21:20.000 I think it becomes a much better tool if you can go a little bit longer. And so, usually for me if I use a 24 hour fast as like a goal, it'll end up being like a 20 hour, or maybe at 22 hour. 

00:21:20.000 --> 00:21:36.000 If I can aim for six. Then, and stay busy and I'm not hungry, then I'm fine. Otherwise, and things are starting to get uncomfortable, that, you know, starting at four that will help. 

00:21:36.000 --> 00:21:49.000 The thing that you have to remember when you're doing intermittent fasting, or time restricted eating, is that it's not the clock, that's doing the thing. 00:21:49.000 --> 00:21:54.000 Right. It's the calories, you know, and so as calories are lower. 00:21:54.000 --> 00:22:04.000 That's what is going to move things and so when we're talking about taking your low days and moving those the intermittent fasting days. 

00:22:04.000 --> 00:22:17.000 There's a few negatives, obviously hunger can be a negative for some people, but the other negative is you're taking away calories that we're trying to build up so we can get you more fat loss, right. 

00:22:17.000 --> 00:22:25.000 So, you know, as you move to. 

00:22:25.000 --> 00:22:36.000 Your fat loss stage, those two days will work against you. So, it's not uncommon and I always try to let people know that we can go back to normal. 

00:22:36.000 --> 00:22:46.000 That is going to be the best thing to do. we don't want to just stick with these intermittent fasting days because your body does adjust to that and then eventually what you wanted it to work. 

00:22:46.000 --> 00:22:56.000 You know it's not going to do that much. It does, you know, as most people know that had these low days, the low days sort of clear things out. Right. 00:22:56.000 --> 00:23:03.000 And so the lower that you have those low days, they will typically clear things out a little bit more. 

00:23:03.000 --> 00:23:10.000 But once again, we're really talking about two to three pounds at the most. 

00:23:10.000 --> 00:23:23.000 The other thing that I will have people do occasionally, very very rare. This is not something I would encourage you, because here's what. Here's what happens with what I'm about to say. 

00:23:23.000 --> 00:23:39.000 Every now and again, if someone is really struggling, but isn't interested in intermittent fasting or has struggled with intermittent fasting in the past. 00:23:39.000 --> 00:23:58.000 I will allow them to back to back low days, but very very rare. You know, the system that we have exists for a reason. Right, so you just starting to add low days without the approval of your coach. 

00:23:58.000 --> 00:24:07.000 That is not something  that I would say is Eat to Perform, I would say, you know, when we first started. 

00:24:07.000 --> 00:24:16.000 And, you know, I'm looking at a few people on the call that would have been here then, you know, we didn't really have the rhythm that we have now. 00:24:16.000 --> 00:24:32.000 And so it was very common for people to make their own low days and then kind of put the higher calorie days. But the problem was that it was just like, low day, low day, low day, low day

 00:24:32.000 --> 00:24:53.000 Okay, I did a marathon, medium day, right, no one would actually feed themselves appropriately, and we were at a crossroads with the company right because, you know, we couldn't get people to actually do the program, the way it was designed, 

00:24:53.000 --> 00:25:09.000 because they would intervene too much. And so we kind of, we lost a lot of clients because of that right because they wanted to be able to do whatever they wanted to do but the problem was is that when they would move fat loss they didn't add any 

00:25:09.000 --> 00:25:20.000 runway to work from. And so we had to bring in strict guidelines that many of you now know and are quite familiar with. 

00:25:20.000 --> 00:25:26.000 But, you know, if you're not serious about building the calories. 00:25:26.000 --> 00:25:45.000 We're really not going to get the end game like people think that the idea of building calories, is because somehow, you know, we want to have a little bit more flexibility or mental flexibility or you don't want to be pulling on your willpower that 

00:25:45.000 --> 00:25:59.000 much. It has nothing to do with any of that. It really is much more about what the way that your body actually wants to work, right, and then building muscle as we go. 

00:25:59.000 --> 00:26:13.000 And then, obviously, having more flexibility so that when we do move to fat loss, we have a significant deficit to work from. 

00:26:13.000 --> 00:26:23.000 But that's pretty much it, you know, other than. Well I guess we should talk about that. 

00:26:23.000 --> 00:26:35.000 So the one thing that, and I went over it a little bit with the mini cut just about taking away your runway. 

00:26:35.000 --> 00:26:49.000 But what we will often see is two things; there's people that go into fat loss, and then they kind of get a running start right and so normally their weight is around 143. 

00:26:49.000 --> 00:26:55.000 And then it goes up to, let's say 149. Right. 

00:26:55.000 --> 00:27:07.000 And then they're like remember you know my weight was 143 it's like no no we started at 149, right, because that weight does matter. 

00:27:07.000 --> 00:27:19.000 But the other thing that happens for people is that as a go up to fat loss, they start giving us yellows. Right. And so, two to three weeks going into fat loss. 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:36.000 You know, they know that they're going into fat loss, and then they start to kind of dial things back as coaches we we really try to make sure that we get people to a point where, because you know if you're going into fat loss, especially if it's not 00:27:36.000 --> 00:27:41.000 something that you planned for five to six months. 

00:27:41.000 --> 00:27:50.000 You know you probably feel a little uncomfortable, which by the way is why you should plan on five to six months ahead of time. 

00:27:50.000 --> 00:28:04.000 Right, so that, you know, through that time you know you're given us greens that whole time. And that we're walking into this fat loss with, you know, the best possible scenario. 

00:28:04.000 --> 00:28:19.000 Right. And if you’ve given us yellows and you go well yeah but that day you know I ate a handful of goldfish and stuff like that. I didn't know how to log it and all of a sudden that turns into a two or three week period. 

00:28:19.000 --> 00:28:30.000 I mean, the goldfish. You know that you didn't log might have actually been underneath what your actual food would have been. Right. and so we see that a lot. 

00:28:30.000 --> 00:28:44.000 And that's something that you definitely want to avoid so if you can schedule your fat loss, you know, five to six months out, then typically. So let's say that somebody does fat loss between, you know, September.

 00:28:44.000 --> 00:29:02.000 And I would say, November, where we're really getting towards the end and things of that nature. Try and at least give yourself the year to where, especially if you're really close, you know, If you're five pounds. 

00:29:02.000 --> 00:29:19.000 Like, don't spend three to five months for five pounds. Right, really give yourself a good shot because you're probably going to have a little bit of fluctuation weight’s gonna drift up a little bit over that course of that year. 

00:29:19.000 --> 00:29:38.000 And then, you know, we'll lean out as we go. But, you know, if it sounds like you're always going to be managing your weight a little bit. That answers yes, right, you will always will be, we always are, you know, at some point, I am going to move to 00:29:38.000 --> 00:29:54.000 fat loss, but I'm going to move to fat loss, really, just to kind of build enough runway, so that I can spend the next five years, kind of gaining it back. 00:29:54.000 --> 00:30:12.000 Right. And so the slower that you can do that, the better. So some of the tips and tricks we talked about are helpful the other, the others just making sure that, you know, as your calories go up that your sugars don't go too high, that your sodium, doesn’t

00:30:12.000 --> 00:30:16.000  go too high unless that fits your goals. Right. 

00:30:16.000 --> 00:30:31.000 In terms of exercise you can incorporate a little bit more cardio. If you're more of a weightlifting person and you’re just like cardio is hardio

00:30:31.000 --> 00:30:46.000 I'm not doing it, you know, that's something that I would probably not suggest for most people, I think, you know, a big story within Eat to Perform, is that everyone should be doing a little bit of heart health.

 00:30:46.000 --> 00:30:52.000 right I mean this isn't just about do you have abs, you know. 00:30:52.000 --> 00:31:08.000 I mean, it's a gruesome story but you know a lot of the bodybuilders that, you know, are using all manner of steroids and things of that nature to kind of reach stage weight and stuff like this. 

00:31:08.000 --> 00:31:29.000 They struggle with health issues, and often die in their 50s, right, because the strain on their heart, you know, is not great, and then it's typically going to be better if you're looking for an aesthetic to leave cardio on the floor, not for everyone. 

00:31:29.000 --> 00:31:43.000 Some people certainly do it to manage their weight and things of this nature but what I'm suggesting is that those people that do die early they have abs. 00:31:43.000 --> 00:31:58.000 Right. But the sacrifice that they made for those abs is that is, is not something that that I ever want to be a part of for sure. You know, I mean one of the things that in before we get to, to Q&A 

00:31:58.000 --> 00:32:11.000 One thing that I need everybody to understand is that everything that we're doing, has been around for very long time. In the bodybuilding community but in terms of, you know, the dieting community, not so much. 

00:32:11.000 --> 00:32:30.000 Right. So, we're not, we didn't invent anything new we invented processes that made all of this new, and especially for women 45 to 60. This was not information that was just available out there. 

00:32:30.000 --> 00:32:48.000 I do think the advent of CrossFit and high intensity training as a thing has sort of moved people, lifting weights certainly have sort of moved people to more this performance way of thinking so once they moved to that performance way of thinking. 00:32:48.000 --> 00:32:56.000 they needed to then add some performance nutrition to their portfolio. 

00:32:56.000 --> 00:33:11.000 Alright, so let's get into questions because I am a little short on time but I think we covered it, and if you have any questions about what I'm talking about go ahead and add them to chat. 

00:33:11.000 --> 00:33:27.000 Okay, we've got a client question, went on vacation I was thinking it would be good to track all of my food and see what happens. I know coaches say not to worry about it but what do you think? Not planning on doing a Thanksgiving feast each day, 00:33:27.000 --> 00:33:36.000 but also want to simply enjoy the freedom of not worrying how much I'm over or under on my macros. 

00:33:36.000 --> 00:33:50.000 So I don't hate it. Right, I think everybody's different. And if that's what makes you feel comfortable I think that you should do that. Right. I don't do that. 00:33:50.000 --> 00:34:11.000 And I don't necessarily recommend it. Just because I think there should be points in our life where we, we don't have that security blanket. Right. and what I don't want is to set up a scenario where if you don't have the logging security blanket, you're 00:34:11.000 --> 00:34:16.000 going to fail. Right. because if you think about dieting in general. 00:34:16.000 --> 00:34:32.000 That's why a lot of people leave. So, why people leave is because, you know, they didn't check the scale, and then all of a sudden, they went to the doctor and checked the scale and oh my goodness, they're up seven pounds, you know, and, and if they were.

00:34:32.000 --> 00:34:40.000 You know, dieting at that point or maybe they were down a little bit of weight, but not down as much as they thought. 

00:34:40.000 --> 00:34:49.000 And then all the sudden they quit, but when somebody quits a diet they either do one or two things. They are going to 

00:34:49.000 --> 00:35:14.000 go back to eating with relative, you know,un-abandonment, right, or they are going to intuitively under eat and so having some guidelines around it, I think is fine, but I would highly encourage you, you know, like I said you know it's been almost 

00:35:14.000 --> 00:35:17.000 two years since my mini cut. 

00:35:17.000 --> 00:35:22.000 Once I reverse back to 3500 to 4000. I stopped counting. 00:35:22.000 --> 00:35:37.000 And I will check in every now and again and just see how things are coming along because I have kind of the standard meals for the most part, with different adjustments along the way. 

00:35:37.000 --> 00:35:49.000 But I think most people should have the ability to not log. And then you know just know what it's like not to have that rigidity in their life. Right. 

00:35:49.000 --> 00:36:04.000 But, you know, at the end of the day we are all different human beings, we all have our way of doing things you know this is the type of scenario where, you know, some people come in the group and say well my family's saying you know that I'm living too 

00:36:04.000 --> 00:36:12.000 rigidly and things of this nature. First of all, that's not their decision to make. Right. 

00:36:12.000 --> 00:36:30.000 You know, it's really about your health, you know, and if someone is in PR as an example. And they're moving up, then you know it's important to know how many calories you're eating so that you can get the end result that you want, which is to build and 00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:54.000 hold on to muscle so I think it's fine, but I would like to see you move to a place where maybe for date night, you know you can do it or maybe for a weekend you can do it right, just so that you don't feel like you need that crutch, right, just so that 00:36:54.000 --> 00:37:04.000 you can try to mindfully and I'll tell you, like I've said this before that, when I'm logging. 

00:37:04.000 --> 00:37:17.000 And I'm on my super day. Sometimes I will undereat a little bit on my super day, especially when I'm on you know PR macros, right where I'll use that day to be a little bit more flexible. 

00:37:17.000 --> 00:37:39.000 So there's a lot of ways to tackle it but I think you're fine. You know, I would definitely say that you know a lot of people that are judgmental are often judgmental, because they're not living a healthy life sometimes right and so you know 00:37:39.000 --> 00:37:44.000 you showing up living a healthy life. 

00:37:44.000 --> 00:37:58.000 You know, it stands in contrast to what their life is so they they feel challenged by it. And so, kind of keep that in mind that you might get some feedback but I think it's fine if it's fine for you. 

00:37:58.000 --> 00:38:01.000 Okay, there's a training question here. 

00:38:01.000 --> 00:38:12.000 I want more visual definition so when lifting, is it better to do less reps heavier weights. I'm 55 years old, and in the PR stage. 

00:38:12.000 --> 00:38:24.000 No. So the only way that if you're lifting and you're trying to go to a powerlifting meet,or you training for a powerlifting meet. 

00:38:24.000 --> 00:38:31.000 That would be the only example where you would lift less reps for. 

00:38:31.000 --> 00:38:55.000 For more weight. Now, the way that a lot of cycles are built in, is you do the majority of what you do is lower weight with higher wraps where you can definitely feel the mind muscle connection, right where, you know, as you're doing the rep, there's such 00:38:55.000 --> 00:39:04.000 a focus on what you're doing. And then once you get to that eighth or 10th. Now you can really start to feel a pump. 

00:39:04.000 --> 00:39:13.000 The one thing that we have to remember is that there was

00:39:13.000 --> 00:39:16.000 This is something I still actually like quite a bit. 

00:39:16.000 --> 00:39:18.000 And it was a. 

00:39:18.000 --> 00:39:27.000 I can't remember Borge Fagerli, but he introduced this idea called Myo-reps

 00:39:27.000 --> 00:39:34.000 And Myo-reps, basically was, you would

 00:39:34.000 --> 00:39:39.000 get the muscle pumped up to a certain part. 

00:39:39.000 --> 00:39:56.000 And then once you were at about 80%, you would rest for, I believe it was like 10 seconds, and then you would do two more. And then you would rest for five seconds and do two more to really stress the muscle.

00:39:56.000 --> 00:40:07.000 Right. So when you're doing high reps, or I'm sorry when you're doing low reps what you're essentially doing is stressing your central nervous system. 00:40:07.000 --> 00:40:11.000 When you're doing low reps with more. 

00:40:11.000 --> 00:40:26.000 You're not stressing the central nervous system near as much so, so your recovery is going to be a little bit easier. But also, you really have to sort of push those last reps because those are really the only reps that count. 

00:40:26.000 --> 00:40:38.000 Right, when you're doing one to eight reps, the only two that you will probably will, will possibly move you towards hypertrophy or six to eight.

00:40:38.000 --> 00:40:43.000 And so, if your goal is to build muscle. 

00:40:43.000 --> 00:40:57.000 You know, CrossFit workouts or lifting weights during a CrossFit workout, usually isn't going to be that big of a difference, you really want to move into that and if you want to, if you want to take a look at it. 

00:40:57.000 --> 00:41:01.000 the Myo-reps, I like lot, you know, I often forget about it. 00:41:01.000 --> 00:41:17.000 But if you're doing something like band work, it's really easy to do Myo-reps. And like I said I can't remember the time period but I think it went like 10 five five and then usually after like three sets with the twos or threes. 

00:41:17.000 --> 00:41:31.000 You know you're, you should pretty much be done, you know, or, or the weights are just not challenging enough. So, the answer is opposite of what you said. 00:41:31.000 --> 00:41:50.000 Okay. Jc started Eat to Perform in mid August, I'm a 42 year old male. I have one week left in fat loss one down 10 pounds, and I have a lot more to lose, I am not lean calories feel pretty low at this point, would you recommend I go through AP and stay 00:41:50.000 --> 00:42:02.000 in PR until January before going into fat loss two or because I knew and have a lot to lose Should I go into fat loss two instead of PR. 

00:42:02.000 --> 00:42:11.000 So, you would definitely go into PR. 

00:42:11.000 --> 00:42:18.000 So your calories are lower right now and we're at 10 pounds. 00:42:18.000 --> 00:42:27.000 Here's what I'm going to suggest now this is already going to happen, but I would definitely start to communicate this with you coach. 

00:42:27.000 --> 00:42:37.000 As you go through AP, and you move to fat loss two write it still hasn't done fat loss two right you'd lost 10 pounds of fat loss one.

 00:42:37.000 --> 00:42:48.000 So, just have your coach extended as you're losing weight. The problem is that the cycles are actually really good. 

00:42:48.000 --> 00:42:51.000 Like, once you once you hit that six weeks.

00:42:51.000 --> 00:42:54.000 Typically people are not still losing weight. 

00:42:54.000 --> 00:43:06.000 And so, would you feel comfortable at all telling us what you mean in terms of not lean because not lean. For some people, means that they're 5’7, 189. 00:43:06.000 --> 00:43:11.000 What I mean is, you know, 5’7, 275. 

00:43:11.000 --> 00:43:24.000 Right. So, if you're only down 10 pounds. That tells me that you may be a little bit leaner or we didn't really get calories, super duper high. Right, so he’s 5’10 and 255.

00:43:24.000 --> 00:43:36.000 510 and 225. Okay, so I mean, that's, you know, I would say. So you're down from 235. 

00:43:36.000 --> 00:43:41.000 I would, I would just talk to you coach about fat loss two. 00:43:41.000 --> 00:43:57.000 And then maybe try to extend that but in terms of just going from, you know, like adding a third fat loss, it just doesn't work. Right, that's, that's the name of the game, you know. 

00:43:57.000 --> 00:43:59.000 So I would definitely look at.

 00:43:59.000 --> 00:44:11.000 Try to extend it as long as you possibly can. Maybe that gets us, you know into, you know, November, maybe even early December if you can dodge Thanksgiving. 

00:44:11.000 --> 00:44:27.000 But I would probably suggest that you schedule your next fat loss for March, but we do need to rinse and repeat them, but if you rinse and repeat them too soon, your calories just aren't going to get high enough your metabolism isn't going to come back 00:44:27.000 --> 00:44:36.000 and even in March. It's, it's not that much of a runway built right so you gotta kill to keep that in mind. 

00:44:36.000 --> 00:44:42.000 They see if I could get you to tell me privately what your name is in the app, and that would help me. 

00:44:42.000 --> 00:44:44.000 Yeah. 

00:44:44.000 --> 00:44:55.000 The last question from Amanda is also client specific; So Amanda, if you can let Becky know your name in the app she can have a look at that for you. 00:44:55.000 --> 00:45:02.000 You can actually direct message or if you don't want your name in the app.

00:45:02.000 --> 00:45:07.000 Just a second. I have a direct one. 

00:45:07.000 --> 00:45:11.000 Okay, 

00:45:11.000 --> 00:45:18.000 nevermind no answer that one privately. Okay, sounds good. 00:45:18.000 --> 00:45:21.000 We're good we got them all. 

00:45:21.000 --> 00:45:28.000 Okay, perfect. So, Yeah, the, I think. 

00:45:28.000 --> 00:45:36.000 I think what the big message of this podcast is, is that you just can't fake. 

00:45:36.000 --> 00:45:57.000 Moving calories back to normal. Right. And, you know, we all know that if we can, we can keep the holiday somewhat in check. You know, I understand that for some people, the scale bothers them so much that they asked for an exception. 00:45:57.000 --> 00:45:58.000 Right.

 00:45:58.000 --> 00:46:01.000 But, 

00:46:01.000 --> 00:46:15.000 you know, I just mentioned that I haven't logged for almost two years, you know. So how do I keep my weight stable right? How do I know? That’s because I weigh myself every day. 

00:46:15.000 --> 00:46:25.000 You know, I don't think that most people realize how much of a tool weighing yourself is each day, you know. Now, once again, I understand. We all have our issues with that.

 00:46:25.000 --> 00:46:40.000 But really, do you really  think you can go through the holidays, you know, kind of eating foods that aren't normal, right, and then not weigh yourself like you can't do, you have to do one or the other. 

00:46:40.000 --> 00:46:54.000 Right. And so if you're if you're not going to log your food, and I would probably suggest that for most people, you’re probably not going to. I will say this. 00:46:54.000 --> 00:47:02.000 Five years ago, when we would go through summer, and we would go through the holidays. 

00:47:02.000 --> 00:47:08.000 I mean, people would just take off for like two months, like two to three months. 

00:47:08.000 --> 00:47:18.000 That just doesn't happen anymore. You know, people are much better about keeping things, you know in check. 

00:47:18.000 --> 00:47:35.000 And then trying to stay mindful around the actual days. Right. But, you know, when people talk about, you know, up to 80% is good but you won't see great results and things of this nature. 

00:47:35.000 --> 00:47:49.000 I don’t even know what those people are talking about, because almost all of our clients are following the plan, I mean we literally have up to 5000 people at any given time. 

00:47:49.000 --> 00:47:56.000 and those 5000 people. Just so you know, are following the plan. 00:47:56.000 --> 00:47:57.000 Right. 

00:47:57.000 --> 00:48:03.000 And in a way that I don't think any program has ever done ever before. 

00:48:03.000 --> 00:48:15.000 And the reason why I say that is because even the people that I would consider to be moderately good are putting out this 80% message so why do they put out the 80% message. 

00:48:15.000 --> 00:48:29.000 Well because they've not really checking people's food logs. Right, they don't have a mechanism in place, you know, so a lot of this will be, you know, more like AI type programs that will just take away calories if you're not losing weight and stuff 00:48:29.000 --> 00:48:41.000 like that. Well, that's the value of coaching. Right. And as we've gotten better at our job. All of you have gotten better at your job, and it's just made things a lot better. 

00:48:41.000 --> 00:48:57.000 I do think, you know, I want to end on this note, because what I think Lifetime is not about, “I’m going to sign up for Lifetime so I can eventually have abs.”

00:48:57.000 --> 00:49:01.000 Right. I don't have abs. 

00:49:01.000 --> 00:49:14.000 The i mean i definitely, if I take off my shirt people definitely know that I lift weights. Right. And I have kind of ab ridges but I don't have a defined eight pack or anything like that. 

00:49:14.000 --> 00:49:28.000 Because it's not about that, for me and I don't think for many of you, it's about that. Even the people. So, I mean I definitely went through my ab phase right where I just did a lot of hard work.

 00:49:28.000 --> 00:49:31.000 I wanted to see it. 

00:49:31.000 --> 00:49:33.000 Finished. Right. 

00:49:33.000 --> 00:49:35.000 And I was happy that I did that. 

00:49:35.000 --> 00:49:43.000 But some of you are going to be with us till you're 60 or 70 years old, 80 years old. 

00:49:43.000 --> 00:49:44.000 Right. 

00:49:44.000 --> 00:49:59.000 At at those. At that time, if we're still focused on getting abs. We're really missing the boat we're really trying to stay alive at that point, you know, and so when I look at when you go you know Paul's talking about the fact that he doesn't want abs 00:49:59.000 --> 00:50:01.000 he runs a nutrition company.

00:50:01.000 --> 00:50:04.000 Well then, what's it all about. 

00:50:04.000 --> 00:50:18.000 It's not about abs. It's about staying alive. You know, it's about feeding your progress it's about, you know, when you show up at the gym, that you're 100% ready not 60% ready, you know, and you go well what's the point in going to the gym if you can't 00:50:18.000 --> 00:50:19.000 get abs. 

00:50:19.000 --> 00:50:32.000 First of all we need to change that whole narrative, you know, like this idea that you go to the gym to get abs, I mean, certainly, you want to see the value of your hard work. 

00:50:32.000 --> 00:50:36.000 You know when I, when we were talking about the sets and reps. 00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:52.000 It had to be a lot of you think you know I don't work out like that. Right. And I would say, 95% of you don't work out like that, and that's fine. I don't work out like that. I work out like that sometimes. Right. 

00:50:52.000 --> 00:51:12.000 But if you're really trying to build muscle,if your sole focus is is you know body composition all the time, you kind of got a new things in a rigid way and, in my view, you know, if you're doing things in a ridgid way, you're less likely to 

00:51:12.000 --> 00:51:14.000 love it. 

00:51:14.000 --> 00:51:38.000 Right. And my goal for my personal life and what I think is true for, for what I hope for many of you, is that it's not about, you know, the rigidity of what actually works, right, it's really more of a compromise of what kind of works, but I also enjoy. 00:51:38.000 --> 00:51:41.000 Right. And so

 00:51:41.000 --> 00:51:58.000 even though I'm being a little bit of a hypocrite here in Ojai, you know, because we're literally just, just doing cardio. Most of the time, I'm not even gonna say the main cardio because I keep talking about it too much. 

00:51:58.000 --> 00:52:19.000 But, you know, I am looking forward to getting back to, to my home gym, and I'm looking back to, you know, getting to two days of CrossFit and, and some of these other things that will become much more applicable to the weather in Minnesota, you know 

00:52:19.000 --> 00:52:28.000 obviously here in California. It literally does not rain and I'm just going to tell you man. Like, they complain about it all the time because they all want rain. 00:52:28.000 --> 00:52:42.000 Many of where we are. I would say half the people own some level of produce or cattle or something of this nature so they want it for personal reasons for their farm. 

00:52:42.000 --> 00:52:45.000 and to replenish the groundwater supply. 

00:52:45.000 --> 00:53:04.000 But for me, just visiting here one month, I want to sunny every single day, you know, and so try and keep that in mind as you go is that, you know. Yeah, I mean, it might be a worthwhile goal, you know like the person that was just talking. 00:53:04.000 --> 00:53:24.000 You know your 225 5’9, you know once you start to get to about 185. Yeah, abs might become a goal for you, but I doubt that they're going to stay and then the people that are, you know, abs all the time, one either do it very rigidly two the probably getting 00:53:24.000 --> 00:53:26.000 some help. Right. 

00:53:26.000 --> 00:53:43.000 And three, they have high incentives to do it. If you're, you know, not planning on being an Instagram influencer, you might not have the incentives that those people have, you know, if you look at these professional athletes with millions of dollars 00:53:43.000 --> 00:53:44.000 on the line. 

00:53:44.000 --> 00:53:47.000 They have incentives, I remember seeing. 

00:53:47.000 --> 00:54:07.000 I was at a Superbowl party and Emmitt Smith was right next to me who played for the Dallas Cowboys and, you know, he wasn't, not in shape but he was definitely out of shape a little bit, you know, I mean he probably, he looked like a normal person, right,

 00:54:07.000 --> 00:54:11.000 like how normal people would probably look most of the time. 00:54:11.000 --> 00:54:30.000 And, you know, which was perfectly fine, he didn't have the incentives that he normally had. And that's very common actually in professional sports where it used to be more calm, right, because you know they use the sport itself to stay in shape. 00:54:30.000 --> 00:54:46.000 Now, they're much smarter about nutrition as they go. So what you're seeing with a lot of these athletes who were really smart about nutrition. They'll loosen things up but they won't go off near as badly in fact what you're seeing. 

00:54:46.000 --> 00:55:02.000 I know I'm talking to maybe like the three guys on here, but maybe some of the women that follow like ESPN or something like that. You look at Jeff Saturday as a good example, I'm trying to think of a few more examples. 

00:55:02.000 --> 00:55:23.000 I can't, but there's, there's a number of linemen, who were 300 pound guys that the minute they leave, I think, was Joseph named Joe Smith No, not Joe Smith from Cleveland Browns but but these are guys that were 300 pounds, that are now to 325,

 00:55:23.000 --> 00:55:38.000 you know, so, even professional athletes have modified their behavior, but without the incentives, you know, it's really difficult to stay at that super lean level so I just want people to kind of keep that in mind as you go. 

00:55:38.000 --> 00:55:55.000 All right.

Even the programs that reverse don’t do a good job because they cave to the fear of their clients or they let AI (artificial intelligence) do the work.



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Paul Nobles Jr

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